
My mission to help people feel understood,

and from there create their best life.

Charles C. Ebbets, 1932

What is it like to work with me?

Based on my “True Colors” I’m a green. I’m a curious person who looks to find the logical, linear and rational to help you feel understood and to help us create a strong definition of the problem, in order to find the best possible answer. With all of that said, I have an intuitive side that I often listen to because most problems aren’t exactly clear. Working together should be fun, but focused. I like to use lots of analogies and stories to keep it lively. I take an egalitarian approach in my work as I want to honor each of our responsibilities in this process. My primary focus is always on growth, and I generally tend to push people just outside their comfort zone for them to see their depth and potential. From here we are on an adventure and at the end of this adventure, we both can look back and see how much we’ve grown.

Who I Serve:


There are two things you need to reach your potential as a therapist, you need the client to trust you and you need to trust what your doing.  The CATALYST Method will guide you towards your goals.


As a therapist, my goal is to help you feel understood, to see your potential, the obstacle that gets in your way, and we work together to help you reach your goals.  I challenge people to take action, to confront the challenges ahead, help you say the things you need to say, in order to teach you the lessons you need to learn, so you can become your very best.


I believe that parents know how to help their children, but struggle to build the relationship that opens the opportunity to for their kids to ask for help.  Parenting To Potential will help you build the relationship that will allow you to support your child in facing all the challenges that come with growing up.


There are many ways to help agencies improve their quality of care, staff retention, and ability to meet the demands of their different funding streams.  I have many ways of meeting those needs through training The CATALYST Method,  providing qualified supervision to associates, and developing clincial supervisors who are hub in ensuring excellent services.

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